
Global investment platform for Huvis

Corporate Profile

Huvis Global is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huvis. It was established for the purpose of Huvis’s foreign business portfolio development through overseas investment—joint venture formation, equity investment, and M&A—as well as foreign subsidiary management.

Huvis Global seeks for international business opportunities and makes overseas investment for “Glocalization” strategy in major markets including the United States, China, and Europe, in order to enhance and create synergy with technical/business capability of Huvis’s polyester business. In addition, Huvis Global serves as an investment platform for Huvis to generate investment opportunities for new businesses to develop future growth engines.

Corporate Name Huvis Global Corporation

Establishment Date April 30, 2018

CEO Hyunsuhp Shin

Address 12F, 343, Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 06060
