CEO Message
Huvis Global was established as a global investment platform to implement “Glocalization” strategy of Huvis which is a leading global polyester materials company.
Huvis is a polyester materials specialist with world’s best technology and the largest manufacturing capacity in Korea(No.1 output of chemical fibers in Korea). Through its robust exports, Huvis has maintained a global no.1 place in the low melting fiber market since its establishment in 2000. Furthermore, based on its global top-tier technology competitiveness, Huvis has positioned itself as a global leader of differentiated materials for industrial uses including conjugate fiber and hygiene bi-component fiber. Striving to reach higher, Huvis is building its Glocalization structures in order to effectively respond to fast-changing business environment. Huvis established Huvis Sichuan in 2006, successfully pioneering Chinese markets by localizing manufacture and sales. Based on its success, Huvis is actively expanding its target markets toward major overseas markets including the United States, China, and Europe.
In order to effectively implement Huvis’s Glocalization strategy, Huvis Global is planning to boost international joint venture formation for localization of manufacture/sales, equity investment, M&A, and subsidiary management in major overseas markets. Through these solutions, Huvis Global will promote the enhancement of its fundamental competitiveness by reinforcing market dominance in overseas markets and generating synergy with Huvis’s existing businesses. In addition to the enhancement of Huvis’s business competitiveness, Huvis Global is planning to implement various investment strategies for the development of future growth engines.
On the basis of our founding purposes, all of us here at Huvis Global will make best efforts to serve as an investment platform to enable Huvis to become a global chemical materials leader.
Thank you.

Hyunsuhp Shin,